Under the University’s Conflict of Interests Policy, employees are required to file a disclosure of outside interests and activities each year.  This disclosure process helps the University to identify and manage conflicts between an employee’s outside interests and his or her University responsibilities.  In collaboration with system and campus representatives, the Office of General Counsel has developed a new, more comprehensive disclosure form for use this year that includes questions about an employee’s outside interests, commitments, compensation, and foreign relationships.


To complete and submit your disclosure for 2020-21, please sign in to the IRIS Web Portal with your NetID and Password.  From the Employee Self-Service tab, choose the Outside Interest Disclosure link under the Personal Information area and follow the instructions on the screen.  Employees can use the Help and Video buttons at the top of the screen for additional information or to watch a brief video explaining the form.  After completing and submitting the form, it will be routed electronically through the review process as set forth in the Conflict of Interests Policy.