Personnel Change e-form Change to Handle Annual Leave Payout When Employee is Ineligible
As of January 1, 2018 there were changes made to the policy regarding annual leave payout. Due to these changes we have modified the personnel change e-form (transaction ZPPAY000, “Personnel Change Request”) to comply with the university’s new policy. This change will be moved to Production over the weekend of April 6 – 8. When departments fill out the form and the employee’s planned working time is reduced below 75% you will need to enter the hours of annual leave to be paid. The e-form will have a button that calculates the employees annual leave to be paid making adjustments based on the last day they are allowed to accrue. This button and functionality should be familiar as it is very similar to the leave payout button on the termination e-form. If there is annual leave to be paid it will not let the department submit the e-form without entering hours. Here is the change to the annual leave policy:
“Effective January 1, 2018, an employee who moves into a position or status that does not accrue annual leave will receive a lump sum payment, less all applicable withholdings, for accrued annual leave at the employee’s rate of pay immediately prior to the transfer, up to the maximum stated in this policy, and will no longer accrue annual leave. (Examples include (a) a 12-month faculty member moving to 9-month status; (b) a staff employee becoming a student-employee; (c) a staff employee reducing planned working time below 75%; and (d) a staff employee hired on or prior to January 31, 2014 with planned working time of less than 75% changing (either increasing or decreasing) planned working time and remaining under 75%). If an employee re-enters a leave accruing position or status, the employee will begin accruing annual leave. If an employee re-enters a leave-accruing position or status within 42 working days of exiting a leave accruing position or status, the employee may be required to repay the annual leave balance and have annual leave reinstated.”
This paragraph applies to HR or Payroll employees who are the final approver or entering the new leave payout into IRIS. After you’ve completed the percent fulltime change you will also need to create an infotype 2012, “Time Transfer Specification”. You will enter the start and end date as the last date accrued and the number of annual leave hours to be paid, both should be on the screen and print form. You will also need to enter the time transfer type – for this change it will be ZAPI – “Ann Lv Paid at Ineligible.” Then save the record and it should be ready to be updated once time evaluation runs.
If you need assistance you can look at the IRIS Help website ( and follow the path: HR > Human Resource Transactions > Personnel Change Request > Percent Fulltime Change. Look at the document “Cheat Sheet for Completing a Percent Fulltime Change e-form.”
If you have any other questions regarding the changes please contact the IRIS Helpdesk at .