Estimate of Reserve for Encumbrance
Users wanting to get a candidate list** of FY2013 purchase order amounts eligible for your reserve for encumbrance may run a special version of the transaction FMRP_RFFMEP1OX – Commitments and Funds Transfers. This report can be run at any time after July 12, when the carry-forward was made.
At the selection screen,
- Choose the selection Variant (not Layout, but selection Variant) /CAR.FWD.POS
- Add your Fund selection criterion (e.g., E11*)
- Click Execute.
Note that the selection variant filled in your fiscal period selection 2014 / 001 and also selected a Layout (also called /CAR.FWD.POS) for you.
The report shows an itemized list, subtotaled by Fund, of FY2013 purchase orders that were carried forward into FY2014. For each Fund, the largest commitment amounts are listed first. The column headed ‘Posting Date’ indicates the original PO Date. The list can be sorted, subtotaled, printed, or downloaded, according to your requirements. If you have questions about the transaction or Variant, please contact Laurie Rees (
**If you have recorded any of these amounts as expenses and payables in 2013, exclude them from your reserve list. Contact Ron Maples if you have any questions.
Ron Maples
711C Andy Holt Tower
Knoxville, TN 37996-0100
865-974-1324 – fax