We are excited to announce new IRIS functionality thru transaction ZFI_DELETE_ATTACH that provides a way for users to delete attachments from the IRIS System for various financial attachment types.

Users with authorization to delete attachments will be able to do those through this new transaction without having to go through the original document. The transaction also provides functionality that will allow departments to request attachment deletions via email to the appropriate offices.


Users without authorization will be able to delete attachments created by themselves for documents that go through workflow in the following circumstances:

  • The document is parked and not submitted to workflow yet
  • The document was rejected and hasn’t been resubmitted to workflow yet
    • The exceptions to this rule would be A/P documents that were rejected by A/P.
  • The attachment is made after the document has completed workflow, but the electronic ledger reconciliation has not been submitted for the fund, fiscal year, and period of the document line posting.


Users without authorization will be able to delete attachments created by themselves in the following circumstances for documents that don’t go through workflow:

  • The electronic ledger reconciliation has not been submitted for the fund, fiscal year, and period of the document line posting.

If none of the criteria above is met, the transaction will present a screen with the information of the appropriate department to notify and request the deletion and, for certain attachment types, even send an email making the request.

Please use this transaction to send your deletion request emails, when possible. The email sent by the transaction has sufficient information for the users making the deletion, which will help them manage the requests more efficiently.

Who has authorization to delete attachments?

FI document type Who can delete?
Accounts Payable (invoices, travel, petty cash) AP_ATTACHDELETE@TENNESSEE.EDU
Budget Campus Business Offices
Cash Deposits Campus Business Offices thru ZFI_DELETE_ATTACH transaction
CO Documents (KB15N) Campus Sponsored Project Accounting Offices
Electronic Ledger Reconciliation Header Campus Business Offices thru ZFI_DELETE_ATTACH transaction
Fund, Cost Center, WBSe, Customer Master Data CONTROLLERSDOCS@TENNESSEE.EDU
PO Purchasing Office
Real Estate Capital Projects Office
Transfer Voucher (ZD, ZE, ZF, ZA) Campus Business Offices thru ZFI_DELETE_ATTACH transaction
Vendor Requests, Vendor Master Data AP_ATTACHDELETE@TENNESSEE.EDU


Help documentation can be found at: https://irishelp.tennessee.edu/gm/folder-1.11.20711?originalContext=1.11.14715